Ignored By Dinosaurs 🦕
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Posts index
1st set meditation
A Drupal Views epiphany
A few data engineering tricks when dealing with the Azure Billing export
A few things a Drupal dev should know about Ruby
A little programmer humor
A quick trip to the panic room
A Site About Something / Richard Geller
A tale of two doc sections
A URL strategy
A Varnish 4 VCL for Drupal 7
After one week of Laravel
After the age of scarcity
Akamai plist error in console - you downloaded an Adobe product, didn't you?
Album of the Week
Allan's guide to running a Facebook Campaign
Almost every YoshiToshi podcast
Altering the Drupal Password Reset process
An overly long analogy about the IBMA
And I bid you goodnight...
Angular, Protractor tests, and Sauce Connect config
Another shallow musical observation
Any copyright geeks in the house?
Anybody wanna pile on Apple? You, there!
Apple, iTunes, and Anti-trust
At 31, on being a professional musician
At Least There's This
Attention - potential future bloggers of the world
Band meetings.
Big Sky Big Grass
Blog v7, I think
Bluegrass fans
Brain Dump - Drupal and Fastly
Building a drop down menu from scratch
Building a mobile app with Drupal and Angular (part 1)
Carbon emissions reduction, Vice President Biden-style
Change is gonna come.
Chapter 4 - The API
Chapter 5 - Domains
Chapter 6a - Version Control
Chapter 6b - the layman's introduction to database migrations in Ruby on Rails
Chapter2 - Databases
Chapter3 - devPlatform
Check in
Chris Pandolfi IBMA Keynote 2011
Communities of Creators
Compiling Nginx
Continuous integration at Platform.sh
Converting mp3s to ogg files in the background with Sidekiq and FFmpeg
Cool Nginx feature of the week
Coolest iPhone App Ever.
Coolest text app ever
Could I ask a favor?
Counterpoint, anyone? Yes, you...
Crazy thing is...
Database migrations with CodeIgniter - 101
Databases cont. - the rookie web developer series
DBT - incremental strategies for late arriving data
Dear blog
Dear Dennis
Dear me, 5 years ago
Dear Wood Brothers,
Deconstructing the Google Analytics tag
Did you know...
Disable Chrome Notifier
Dispatch from FinOpsLand
Do you have a computer? Do you care about any of the files...
Drupal -- too big to fail?
Drupal 101
Drupal Angular tidbits -- multisite
Drupal is uncool because
Drupal logstash syslog config
Drupal Paragraphs - what is structured content?
Drupal select list for the Form API - 50 states
Dunning Kruger
Easy markdown and syntax highlighting in Django
Easy Markdown with Syntax Highlighting, PHP Edition
Explaining Non-Relational Databases To My Mom
Facebook may rule the world, but you still need your own website.
Fake Steve Jobs on the new Chrome OS
Fake Steve on the iTablet
file.under => RandomMemory
Finding that pesky Acquia host entry for your development environment
Finding Your Co-Founders
FinOpsLand - Reservations
First experiences with Drupal and HHVM
First steps with Drupal - content types
For my friend
For my friend, who's quitting a band
Function 'fooController' is undefined
Geek Club.
Getting started with "Headless Drupal"
Getting Started with Rails
Getting up to speed with Rails 4 "russian doll" caching and Redis
Git and Dropbox
go for launch
Goodbye Rails, Hello Django
Greetings from the Valley of Despair
Had the weirdest dream last night
Helpful books
Here they are =>
Hex values, rgb, and me
Holy Crap!
Homebrew Postgres install issues, Mac OS X server
How (and why) to set up your Mac for Rails development - part 1
How I very deliberately ended up in tech
How to test meta tags with CasperJS
I had this idea for a band...
I have only one regret...
I haz hacks
ibD Manifesto
ibd update
ibd Version 5.0, and top 5 bass influences.
Ignored by dinosaurs - 3
Ignored by dinosaurs - part 1
Ignored by dinosaurs - part 2
Installing Drupal
Installing Drush on Media Temple Grid Server
Intermediate Drush Hacking - Drush Aliases
iPhone as PR tool.
It's not The Path, it's My Path
It's the wizard, not the wand.
Javascript - named function declaration or assign to a variable?
jQuery Noob - script not working?
Just in case.
Keeping it up
Know Thy Elders
Knowledge Hunters
Laravel mutator not working
Launch fast and iterate.
Let's try something.
link_to 'Seven years gone'
Markdown in Rails 3 with RedCarpet
Media Temple
Memcached - a really interesting piece of gear
Merging two Drupal sites together with Migrate Module
Migrating the blog from Drupal to Jekyll
Migrating the Drupal public filesystem to S3
More on quitting a band.
More on Wordpress
MS's long slow decline
My current understanding of our AWS CUR bill
My favorite technical interview question
My kids and social media
My little pony's first shell script
My pipe dream for syncing files between environments
Naming things considerately is an act of selflessness
Net Neutrality and the Golden Goose
New Years haiku
Nginx, Unicorn, Redmine, and my truncated attachment downloads
Not a deep thought
Now what?? //part 1.
Now what?? //part 2
Now what?? //part 3
Numero Uno
Omniture - not the best 3rd party javascript
On airport security.
On Beta "invites"
On contributing to open source projects
On Drupal.
On Facebook's new no-privacy policy.
On FinOps
On FinOps, 5 months later
On Life After Earth
On Miles
On quitting a band.
On record labels.
On the music business, generally speaking.
On the road...
on the tall trees crowding out the saplings
On Wakarusa
Open source and why it's cool
Open source the music business!
Open sourcing the idea.
Palin's Resignation - The Edited Version
Parsing query string parameters out with javascript
part 2
Permissions abuse ~or~ the Facebook shell game.
Picking it up
Plans, plans, plans.
Platform.sh from Scratch - adding a database to your Laravel app
Platform.sh from scratch - Laravel, Redis, and the Platform CLI
Platform.sh from scratch - PostgreSQL
Platform.sh from scratch - setting up a Laravel app
Platform.sh from scratch, part 0 - explaining Platform as simply as possible.
Platform.sh from scratch, part 1 - Basic setup.
Praise Jah!!
Prefect looping - .map() it
Prepare for the backlash
Prev/Next as linked lists in Django
Programmatically creating image styles in Drupal
Programmatically creating taxonomy terms in Drupal
Programmers, please enter -->
Programming Classes
Pruning the Ego
Psychology, finance, war, cards...
Race to Running Software
Random idea
Random post professing love for my Macintosh.
Real innovation in the publishing industry
Removing GA tracking
Resetting postgres sequences
Reversing strings in PHP
RTFM before you need to
Rust / Kansas
Saturday 8:30pm
SEO in action
Seth's Blog - When the writer becomes the publisher
Setting up Elasticsearch on EC2
Setting up SSL on your Platform.sh site with Cloudflare.
Simpletons guide to web server analysis
Slightly more in depth with Wordpress
So that was fun.
So what are you up to?
So yeah, I got a job.
Some more ruminating about Laravel
Something about Bluegrass
Speeding up your Platform.sh deploys with Yarn
SQL is easy, Data is hard
Starting a new team in a remote company
Step 1 - text editor
Template for Writing a Music Business Plan
The absolute bare minimum you need to know on the command line
The Bass influence countdown, number 4
The best, least understood aspect of Drupal multisite config
the concert biz.
The creative fire
The default Fastly VCL
The drush command 'mongodb-migrate-prep' could not be found.
The golden age of the software business.
The Great Lie - Lorem Ipsum
The importance of "blind carbon copy"
The infamous Phil gig
The last gasp of the Album?
The Little Platform.sh Book - Introduction
The Michael Daves story
The music / business idea I haven't seen tried yet
The Musician's Curse
The newby web programmer. Episode 1.
The newby web programmer. Episode 2.
The newby web programmer. Episode 3.
The phases of iPhone ownership - the end of the road
The phases of iPhone ownership, continued...
The phases of iPhone ownership, the beginning
The phases of iPhone ownership, the hazards of love.
The road.
The State of Bluegrass
The Struggle
The thing about Drupal, again
The thing about Rails, Drupal
The Twitter API is Finished. Now What?
This blog
This Google/Verizon crap.
This is truly fascinating...
Thoughts on sales engineering - setting expectations
Throttling window.onscroll
Thursday morning coffee with the n00b developer - domains and hosting
Tips for working from home
Today's discoveries
Top 3 albums of the year
Toward the point...
Tracking Pixels 101
Try Ruby
Twitter 101
Two different flavors of monthly metrics
Two kinds of managers
U2 to Play Free Concert on YouTube
Unresponsive touch UIs
Using the MySQL command line with Media Temple's grid server
Wanna see way too much Flash?
Weaning off of jQuery animations with CSS Transitions
Web designer or web developer?
Welcome to the new site!
Well that was fun.
What I'm up to professionally, early 2021 edition
What is a "data product"?
What is Business Intelligence?
What is curl_setopt()?
What is my $PATH?
What really killed the music industry...
When Social Media Becomes A Weapon
Where is the Homebrew Memcached config file?
Who's hiring all these B players anyway?
Why doesn't 'authorized_keys' work?
Why Drupal 8 will fail
Why Drupal?
Why I dig on Sass these days (the quick version)
Wordpress for iphone
Tag: #ruby
Tag: #ruby
3 items with this tag.
Aug 09, 2013
A few things a Drupal dev should know about Ruby
Apr 24, 2013
Converting mp3s to ogg files in the background with Sidekiq and FFmpeg
Dec 14, 2010
Migrating the blog from Drupal to Jekyll